Signs from above

Thursday Treadmill Treats

Signs from above

I am a big believer in signs, your thinking of someone and the song that reminds you of them plays on the radio, or they call.

Your praying for a answer and you go to church and the sermon is about what you were praying about and is your answer. You go to a book store and a certain book sticks out or better yet falls out (yes, that has actually happened to me)

Yes, I am a big believer of the other side trying to communicate with us. When my mom past that first mother's day I was outside in my screened in porch, the door was opened and in flew a yellow butterfly and landed next to my coffee cup. I balled like a baby. When we brought her ashes upstate to be buried with my dad months later,  after the ceremony was over, a yellow butterfly flew around all of us and landed on her headstone.

This year on the 5 year anniversary of her death as I was thinking of her, I stepped off a cruise ship in Mexico and this yellow butterfly flew around me, now come on coincidence, all of this? I think not.

This time of year is hard on me as I miss my mom so much, I miss the family and parties, everyone around the table filled with all kinds of Italian goodies, laughing, cursing and loud.

Last year at this time, I was thinking of my mom and crying as I was wrapping gifts. When all of a sudden a card fell out of all the wrapping. I opened it and it was a card from my mom that said no matter what remember how much I love you and it had a business card of her old real Estate business that I haven't seen in years, as if I needed any more proof that she was there with me.
I cried even more because I knew she was still there looking out for me.

This year is no different, I am again missing mom but this time I happened to find an old tape player as I was looking for wrapping paper. Just for ha ha's I played it. It was a recording from a medium I went to see after my mom's death while I was separated and so confused. I was afraid I couldn't do this by myself, he always told me that for 24 years so you start to believe it.

I needed to know she was still here, I needed help, I needed encouragement so I went to New York to this Long Island Meduim and yes, of course my mom came through. There were so many things this women couldn't ever know about me or my family but yet she was telling me things only my mom could know.

She told me that she is always here with me. She knew I talked to her picture, she knew I was sleeping in her bed during this separation and cried myself to sleep every night. She told me to go through with the divorce that I would be fine.
Just hearing this again while I was again wrapping Christmas gifts gave me a sign she was still with me.

On a side note, all of the things this medium said turned out to be true.
Yes, three years later I am the happiest I've ever been.
I take care of my self and my girls with no help, I own my own home and business and I have a peace and joy that is priceless.

Whether you believe in this or not, it is hard to put an answer to all of these things that happen but hey its not for you, it's for me and I believe and that's all that matters.

So today my friends, remember there are signs all around us, signs to do things or not do things. Hello, like intuition that I spoke of yesterday. There are signs for answers we seek and there are signs from loved ones we miss, we just have to be open to see them, don't be so wrapped up in your life that you miss your signs.

** I know this is a tough time of year so I will be putting this number out there for all that needs it...I been there and I know how dark it may seem especially during the Christmas season, there is help, it will get better...I am living proof of
"This too shall pass"**

Please get help, call today:
National Suicide Hotline: 24/7

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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