Pointing out the bad in others because there is no good in yourself

Thursday Treadmill Treats

Pointing out the bad in others, because there is no good in yourself. ...

I read this the other day and it hit a nerve with me because me and my friend had just been talking about it.

When you are truly a good person, you look to see the good in others, you are happy  for others blessings, you try to lift people up not cut them down.

Yet there are so many people out there, that to make themselves feel better, need to point out the bad in you. Yes, we all have them in our lives.

I had an ex husband who put me down at every chance, he called me dumb, he said I could never make it without him, he cursed at me and called me every name in the book and then made up some for good measure just incase I wasn't beat down enough.

My friends sister thinks it's okay to bring up every past mistake she has done even though she is a completely different person now.
"It's okay to say hateful things because we are family" Really?? Isn't family supposed to love you dispite your faults?

Even my "friends" who have also been verbally abusive, have now turned into the abuser, to gain control? To feel better about themselves?  Because there is no good left inside of themselves anymore?

Friends, family or lovers who "joke" and put you down and then say "I was just joking, can't you take a joke?".....it's not a joke, it's their true feelings, it's a dig, masked with a laugh.

Well this is a call out to all of these people, friends, family, lovers or ex's these days are OVER! DONE! 

I will not except this behavior anymore, I deserve respect! Just because your dead inside, just because your hiding your broken and missing soul is not my problem, get help, stop hating others for having a life your too afraid to lead!

I will not let your cold, dead, hatred filled heart effect my life. This is your problem, your insecure with yourself and so you hide it behind putting everyone else down.

News flash!! you are not better than me nor are you smarter than me, yet you have to, at every chance, put me down to make yourself feel better.

Your still not a good person, it doesn't make you smarter to think your always right, no a truly stupid person is one who thinks he knows it all and is not open to others opinions because they are afraid others ideas may be better than theirs. A truly stupid person can't admit their mistakes and will never learn the valuable lessons, they need to learn.

You have a black soul, you are never happy to see others do well, you always think it should have been you.
You point the finger, let your evil tongue spit out hatred because there is no good inside of your heart.

So to make sure others don't see the true you, the one without a heart, the one with your life falling apart, the one who is always wearing a mask, you lash out first, pointing out the bad and the mistakes of others.

So today my friends, this is a new year, those days are over, stand up people, today is your independence day.

Doesn't matter who they are, tell them you will not be treated like that any longer. You will be treated with the respect you deserve otherwise I will call you out, then cut you out of my life! Period!

Feel free to copy and paste this on your wall, send to your family, spread the message....
Start today, love yourself.....
Remember those who point out the bad in you, have no good in themselves.....

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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