Time changes things...
Thursday Treadmill Treats
Time changes things
I love Facebbok, there is this feature that shows you what you posted a year ago, two years ago, five years ago and sometimes we forget where we were at that moment.
As I looked I realized that what a common thread I had with this month...Funny how things happen.
Last year at this time I reconnected with an old friend I had dated in the past. We were just starting on this journey, I had so much hope, I was happy to find someone I thought was different, who understood me, who said all the right things....
Two years ago today, I was with someone I had loved all my life. I thought this time we would make this work, we knew what was out there, we went through so much to be back together that we would fight to keep this love alive. I was wrong...he couldn't leave his life he knew then...and he still wasn't willing to now. I was devastated and heartbroken but at least I knew for sure it was finished for good.
Three years ago today my world fell apart yet again, I was dating a man who I thought loved me and wanted to spend his life with me. I was just coming out of a horrible marriage and was longing to hear those words I had so very much missed for the last 24 years. I was vulnerable and believe everything he was feeding me even when my intuition was screaming something wasn't right, I continued because my life was so barren from emotion.
I bought into it hook, line and sinker and the day I found out he was nothing more than a sociopathic liar and cheater, I kicked him to the curb, literally with no second chances.
Now here it is a year late on this month, on this day, that I called it off with someone I was seeing from last year.
I knew this wasn't for me as I had already went down this path once before and and strong enough to realize that I wasn't going to repeat the same mistake. I saw all the signs and yet again I didn't listen, but this time I wasn't going to waste years thinking and praying it would change, no I am out of there.
I cannot change anyone, it's not my job to fix anyone, I want someone who took the time and effort to fix themselves.
See so yet again my world has changed 360, but I know it will be alright. I have my God who gets me through anything, I have an incredible family and wonderful friends, I have a business I love, a home I never imagined getting, I finished my book and am on to my next one it.
I am happy and peaceful and I found a new me, one that is more confident, who can hear and listen to my intuition, who can pray and know God's voice.
I am truly grateful for the pain I've been through because I would have never found myself and these lessons without it.
So today my friends, no matter how dark it might be don't give up hope, hold on, look for the lessons that the pain is teaching you and know that when you look back a year later, two years later, five years later... what a difference it can make.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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