We all need to own what we do
Tuesday Treadmill Treats
We all need to own what we do
We all need to own what we do in our lives. You need to stand up and own who you are and the choices you made.
I write this blog every day, I put my self out there to be judged every day. I own each and every mistake I've made and then I place it out here for you and the world to see.
I owned that I stayed in a horrible marriage for 24 years, I owned that I stayed because of the money and my fear.
I owned that I had a emotional affair for the last five years of that marriage, I owned that after I got separated, that I fell in love with a man who wouldn't or couldn't love me back.
After my divorce, I owned that I was taken in by someone who lied and cheated on me.
I own that even all these years later I haven't learned my lessons and am still picking the same type of men.
I own that I still have issues with anyone trying to control me and accepting help from others.
These are my mistakes and I fully stand up and take responsibility for all of them.
You cant blame people for your mistakes, you can't say because I got caught, it is all your fault. You can't say this is all your issues because I refuse to see my own. But people do this every day, they blame and point the finger at others because they are not willing to see the problem in themselves.
If you want to grow and change, you must grow up and deal with the aftermath of what you have done, it is only then you will be able to change.
I remember being with my girls in Ny and I was driving their Aunt Pam's car and as we drove it into the garage and parked, I opened the hatch not knowing the ceiling wasn't high enough. I heard a sickening sound and when we got out to see what we did, there was a huge dent in the back of her trunk.
My girls who were young at the time, said "Mommy dont tell Aunt Pam, she will get mad, she won't know " I said "No, but I will, I did this, I own this"
So I marched them upstairs to apologize and offer to pay to fix it, they started to laugh, come to find out the dent was there from them not us.
I taught them to do the right thing, for them to own what they do, then to apologize and take responsibility to try to make things right.
We grow, we learn, we change, hopefully for the better but unless your willing to step up and deal with your issues, you will never go on to your next level.
So today my friends, own up, believe me its not so bad, at least your not doing it in front of thousands of people like I do each and every day. Then forgive yourself and let it go.
That is what I am doing today, I am owing my mistakes yet again, I am forgiving him, I am forgiving myself and letting it go.
I've learned the lesson I was supposed to, to listen to my intuition, to be still and hear God's voice, to trust what I am feeling, see life is too short for regrets!
Don't spend anymore time on expired people, when you know it's not right, walk away, follow your heart.
Life is short dont waste a minute of it, Life it big, live it to the fullest, live it with a clear heart, live it!!!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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