Fight the good fight
Fight the good fight
We know we are not suppose to fight with humans yet this bible verse tells us to fight...
This is a daily fight... and it goes on, all through our faith journey.
Paul was saying fight the good fight...
For the true faith....
But the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world....
It's about the spiritual fight, we all are engaged in a fight in our lives but we are fighting with the wrong weapons.
No matter how big your giant is, I that is coming at you, you need to know what weapons will work to defeat him.
David took up a sling shot and stone because he couldn't use the weapons that Goliath gave him..
But he knew the weapons he needed to use to defeat him, even if they seemed like the wrong ones, David knew what he needed to win.
You are in a position to win in life, but you are in the wrong fight with the wrong weapons.
You need to fight the good fight, you need to let the spirit renew your thoughts and attitude.
Stop telling lies, don't let anger control you.
If you are a thief, use your hands for good work.
Give generously to others in need.
Don't use abuisve language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encougement to those who hear them.
Don't bring sorrow to God's holy spirit by the way you live.
Get rid of all bitterness, anger harsh words instead be kind, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.
Some of you are so fill of hate and anger, You don't know how to forgive and let it go. You will never win the fight while you are doing all of these things.
So today my friends remember, fight the good fight for the true faith, know what weapons will help you win. Be kind, speak well of others, don't lie and cheat, forgive and let go of hurt.
These things will make you grow stronger and will teach you how to always be ready to fight the "giants" in your life.
It's about fighting the good fight...
Fight, fight, fight for the life you want, the love you want, the job you want, fight when the world is coming at, when you get knocked down time and time again....fight.... never give up.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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