What I've learned during this fast
What I've learned during this fast.
We fast every year, on the first week of January. We do this to thank God for all he's done for us the previous year and to start the new year with renewed faith and to put out there what we are expecting for this coming year.
See fasting is about breakthrough, it's for you to seek God, to become quiet and hear God's voice, but don't get this twisted this is definitely spiritual warfare, we are starving the physical man and feeding the spiritual man during this time and they are fighting each other to the death.
We are not made to feel uncomfortable, to suffer, to hunger. We want things easy and fast, we want to hear him now! But we must sacrifice to show him that we are serious to give back, to stop our crazy lives and put him first.
We are looking for more of God...less of us...
Its about turning off the TV, not going on social media, not talking or gossiping just focusing on him and his word.
It's about saying I am not going to give up... I will sacrifice in order to grow.
You need to trust God...what battles are you fighting?
What prisons are you locked up in?
These things keep you down, they don't let you grow, your so worried, so afaid that ypu become stuck, you forgot your purpose here. Don't get distracted from your blessings, don't let your blessings pass you by because you refuse to let go, because you have to be in control.
I can tell you prayers works...God's already addressed every area in your life, I love this verse:
Psalms 23
He is our Shepard and we lack not...he leads me besides the quiet still waters, he refreshes my soul...he prepares a table for me before my enemies
Ye though I walk through the shadow of death...he is with me.
I fear nothing, I stress nothing I feel peace in a storm because I know he has me, this is what prayer does for me.
God will create a situation before you so that when he gives you the victory you will never doubt it was because of him! He's guiding you through every step of your way
"You will succeed in whatever you chose to do and light will shine on the road ahead of you"
These are the three things I've learned from this fast:
1. Don't get distracted by temporary situations
2. Never start or end your day without praying to God
3. Believe in yourself
So today my friends remember you can't keep holding out your hands asking for things without giving something back...this is my way to give back, this is the time to learn lessons, this is the time to hear his voice so that you may start off 2018 strong!
Let's make this the best year ever!
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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