I don't preach my faith, I tell you what works for me
I don't preach my faith, I tell you what works for me
I am not here to preach at you, that is your life, this is mine, you live yours the way you see fit and I will live mine.
If you are a Christian, a Muslim, Jewish, Baptist or even if you believe in nothing at all, that's your life, if it works for you, that's great.
I am not on a soap box saying if you don't believe in this or that your going to burn in hell. Who am I to judge you or your life? Who am I to say my beliefs are better than yours?
No, I will never preach to you, I am just here to tell you what works for me.
I am hoping that maybe someone out there that reads my blogs, may be lost, may be broken, may be searching for something and maybe seeing my life and how I changed, they might check it out and change their lives as well.
I am just the messenger, I am here to tell my testimony, this worked for me, this changed my life, hell let's be real, this saved my life.
I am not the person I once was, I am changed, I have peace, I have more joy in my life than I have ever experienced even with the storms coming at me. I have learned to be grateful for what I have and where I've come from.
I know that I could never do this without God, I could never have all I have without his presence in my life.
For years I hated him, I cursed him, I couldn't believe that a God who swore to love me could let all of these things happen to me. But when you hit rock bottom and you have no one else to turn to all of sudden, you start to pray.
It is then, at your lowest point, you will reach out to anything that will help you, even to a God you no longer believed in.
Yes, I tell you of all he has done, things that can never be explained, doors that opened, how my life totally changed and I give all the credit to him. Now if you think it's all you, if you got this, if your life is perfect and that's working for you good for you, I am happy for you.
But that wasn't me, I have made way to many mistakes on my own, I stressed about everything, I lived in fear, I crashed and burned too many times on my own, no I needed help and this was my help.
Maybe this will work for you, maybe it won't...hell for lots of years I went from church to church, I even went from religion to religion. I was raised Catholic but fell out because you will burn in hell for everything, they say they love but only on their terms...that was not my beliefs and if they are yours good for you, I'm just saying that doesn't work for me.
When I met my ex I wanted to raise a family in one religion and he was more into his than I was, so I converted to Judaism.
I learned alot and they have amazing rituals and beliefs but I always had a problem with not believing Jesus was our savior.
So when I got divorced I had hit rock bottom again and I prayed and God opened this door to this church and it was where I needed to be, it literally saved my life.
So today my friends, maybe you need to check out others things, other religions, go for it, one may not work, but don't give up, keep trying, it's all about what works for you.
It's about finding the peace and joy in your life, it's about being grateful everyday, it's about finding your purpose, it's about helping others by telling your testimony, no matter which path you take.
Take the path that works for you and let others take their own path.
This is your life, your path, do what works for you.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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