Let's go fishing

Let's go fishing

In the bible Peter and his brothers were fishing, when  Jesus came to them and said "Come follow me and I will send you out to fish for people"

At once the disciples left their boat and followed Jesus. He said come follow me...
Not to the temple...
To follow him...

To follow him..here were the real missing field of people are...it is in the streets, where real people are.

People have forgotten what ministry is, if ministry becomes about you, you have forgotten what Gods word is...

It's not about the show, it's not about the temple, it's about your relationship with God, it's about you being the light for others, it's about you sharing your faith with others.

I know that you didn't realize that when you converted that you were going to have to leave what was close to your heart to follow Jesus, yes, you are asked to step out, you are asked to leave some people behind in order to move on in your faith walk. Your faith will not always be comfortable.

The disciples Jesus picked didn't go to church, they didn't have the word and that's why Jesus picked them, he wanted to take them out into the real world, to preach the gospel to sinners, to the lost and broken. Why? Because they too were lost and broken and they could tell others of what he had done for them.
He used these fisherman to fish for souls.

In order to fish you need these things:

1.You must find water to fish
2. You must launch out in order to fish
3. It requires patience
4. A net, a pole and a line 
5. The bait
6.Tools and a container
7. You never know what kind of fish you will get

You can't predict what kind of fish you will catch, Jesus used the sport of fishing to find his disciples, he did not go into the church to find elders.
He did not go to the temple to find them.
He was going after the whole world, he knew that the church is so caught up in their position that they have gotten so "clean" that they can't relate to us.

There is and always have been all kinds of discrimination in church, classism, sexism, racism...
Like they are better than you...
Like they are more holy...
They are not fishing for souls because they feel no one is good enough.
But our only job is suppose to bring more people into the body of Christ, that is what Jesus did when he went from city to city.
So the question is, are you fishing for the word or are you fishing for souls?
Are you fishing for blessings? Or are you being the blessing?

Jesus went to the most unlikely place to find his disciples.. he found murders, liars, thiefs, cheaters, he found the bottom of the barrel, the hopeless, to show them how good his word was and then he sent them out to fish for others, like them.

We need to not be so close minded when we are fishing for people...
We are the light for others, we are here to preach the gospel.

We have been so consumed with the blessings, that we have forgotten we are here to preach the gospel.
We need to leave behind a message when we are gone..
Maybe we are fishing for people in the wrong place.

How many of you are speaking God's word?
How many of you post about God's message?
How many of you talk of your faith?
At the gym, at work, on social media? Why aren't you speaking of your faith? Why aren't you fishing?
Are you just putting on a show in church? Look at me I go to church but are you going outside the church and preach the gospel?

So today my friends remember why we are here, remember Jesus message, remember who he picked to deliver his message, you may be broken, you may have had a terrible past, you may not be hoiler than thou but that's okay he has forgiven you, he just wants you to tell the world about his goodness...
Go fishing!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


And on Amazon.com



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