Juneteenth and racial Intimidation

Juneteenth and Racial Intimidation 

I remember speaking on the phone with my cousin Carol. We were talking about everything that is going on in the world. 
This topic was especially hard since yesterday was June 13th and it was on everyone's minds. We kept asking each other why certain people were the way they were. Why they had no sympathy for what black people are going through or have been going through for the last 400 years.

We both can see the injustice, we saw a man being killed in front of our own eyes, a man who was a son, a father, a brother to someone being murdered and calling out for his mother with his last breath. Being killed for no apparent reason and our heart broke. It broke because that could have been our son, our father, our brother but because of "white privilege" it was not.

But why is it so hard for others to get that? Why must they say "all lives matter" taking the spotlight off the issue. Yes, we all know all lives matter but "all" lives aren't afraid to walk the streets, all lives aren't afraid of being stopped by police. All lives aren't teaching their children on the "right" way to act in order to not get shot and killed.

Only black lives have been doing this and guess what? They have had enough. They are sick of being treated like 2nd class citizens in a country that was built on their backs for free. They are done, they already fought many times before for freedom of their rights to be treated equally and fairly and yet here they are again.
June 13th is our reminder of how long things have been wrong, it tells us how we need to change things in our country.

Yet some white people cannot grasp this, they are racially intimidated by black people. They may not be a full blown racist but they are definitely on their way to becoming one. They are afraid that if more black men become educated that they will take their jobs, their positions and even their women.

They are intimidated by smart black men who have had enough and will not accept this type of behavior any more. The more racially intimated they are the more they will fight you with cops' lives matter and white lives matter or the best one they've thrown out there recently is George Floyds background and criminal history as if any of this matters. 

No, they want to take the spotlight off the ugly truth that this has been going on for centuries. They don't want you to take down the statues of racist confederate leaders that enslaved so many people's ancestors. To take away the  confederate flag that white supremist proudly fly, glorifing the days of slavery and domanice. They want to keep the status quo and do the same thing, in a different time, even 400 years later. They may not be anymore lynchings but now you've replaced them with legal police killings. They may not be slaves anymore but you found a way to keep them repressed by lower wages, no healthcare and subhuman living conditions that never get fixed.

Yes, times change and yet here they are fighting for the same basic rights all of us "whites" have and it's sickening. I used to love when my ex husband used to say he's not racist, that his best friend was black but when our daughter told him she was dating a black boy, how he lost it and screamed at her. Is that not racial intimation? It's okay to be friends with a black person just as long as you don't dare date my daughter…
Yeah, that definitely is.

We need to change this, we need to step up and say this is not alright. I remember how it brought me to tears to see so many people around the world coming together to protest against this injustice. To stand together, brothers and sisters,  in the human race and say all for one and one for all. We are with you, we stand with you and we will not stop until this is changed. 

The only way evil will survive is if they divide and conquer us but if we stand together, we are a force to be reckoned with and yes, we can make a difference. 
So today my friends, I ask you where do you stand? Are you a racist? Are you racially intimated? And when will you take a stand for basic human  decency for all?
The change is up to all of us and like I say at the end of every blog….

"Be the change you want to see"


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