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194 Mass shootings in the USA this year alone.
It seems unbelievable that we are only in June and yet there have been 194 mass shootings so far.
Last week in my cousins Publix in West Palm Beach, no less, some man walked in and shot a grandmother and her 5 year old granddaughter, who does that? Crazy ass people who are allowed to get guns, that's who.
Now all the Gun crazy people will come at me but again I will take my stance as I was once a gun owner myself. I didn't say you shouldn't be able to own guns. No, I'm all for that but there has to be better rules because
firearms have become one of the leading causes of death for Americans of all ages and the second-leading cause of death for children under the age of 19, according to the Giffords Law Center, a gun-safety organization.
According to the Gun Violence Archive, a nonprofit that tracks shootings in the US, there have been 225 shootings in 2021 alone. That tally does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon.
Gun Violence Archive defines a mass shooting as a single incident in which four or more people are shot (not counting the shooter) in the same incident in roughly the same time and place.
There have been significantly more mass shootings in 2021 than in 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Historically, mass shootings are more likely to occur in the latter half of the year so that can mean an even higher number of shootings for this year.
Great, more people will be killed by crazies with guns, that's what we have to look forward to.
And yet again we will do nothing about it. That's what we do in the United States...nothing, why? Because the politicians are bought and paid for by the big corporations with deep pockets.
The United States had the most mass killings according to the recent Washington post article.
Germany was right behind us
Austria, Iceland, New Zealand, Finland, Norway, Canada, Switzerland, Portugal, Greece,
France, Australia, Mexico, Slovenia, Turkey, Denmark, Italy
Spain, Estonia, Czech Republic
Slovakia, Belgium, Hungary, Chile
Israel, Netherlands, Ireland, Britain, Poland and believe it or not, South Korea was on the bottom of this list.
Yeah! Look, we are finally number one for something, something so horrific and hey, that's something to be proud of. No, it is horrible but it shows us who runs this country, politicians who could give a shit about us or grandmother's taking their grandchildren to a supermarket apparently.
We need tougher gun laws, longer wait periods to purchase guns, more extensive background checks, we don't need semi automatic guns in the hands of unstable people.
I owned guns and hell I'm okay with going through all of this to own one so why is it such a big deal that we can't change these laws? Oh yes… it's the all mighty dollar. Let us not forget who's blowing who, who's hand is in whose pocket because that's the way it works, not the fact that our children are dying from mass murders every day. No, that doesn't matter because that has no monetary value.
We need to change our ways, we need to become what we once stood for. A country that was ahead of its time, in schools, laws, in caring and allowing us to become the melting pot that we are. But unfortunately this is no longer the same country. We ranked 14th in school systems. The top three educational systems in the world were Finland, Denmark, and South Korea.
As far as universal health care all but 43 countries have it, of course we not one that does. There are 10 countries that offer free college and many others that give way better incentives than we do. We outsource everything making us dependent on other countries and also making them richer and powerful than us.
But I went off topic, we, us, regular Joe's, with children and grandchildren need to take a stand and change these laws. How many more mass shootings must there be before something is done??
So today my friends, take back the power, run for office, speak out, protest, write your congressman that by the way you elected and demand a change, because it could be your children, your mother, your brother that can be killed tomorrow and like I say in all my blogs….
"Be the change you want to see"
Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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