If you don't address the wounds of your past

If you don't address the wounds of your past, you will continue to bleed.

Wow.. these are some powerful words… but sometimes, some of us need to be hit upside the head with the honest truth. How many of us try to bury our past? How many do not talk about it? As if not talking about it will make it go away. Look I get it, in my mom's generation you didn't talk about your stuff, you sucked it up and put your big girl panties on and went along with your life, hurt and broken. I will never forget my mother's words after I was raped and had to endure a horrific abortion. She said "We shall never talk about this again!" 

What was I supposed to do with that? I was 15, she just had breast cancer, my father just died at 45 and now this and I should just pretend nothing happened and go on with my "normal" life? How?
But I can't blame my mother as Maya Angelo use to say "When you know better, you do better" 

That was what she knew, what she was taught. There was no Dr. Phil or Oprah back then, they didn't have counseling, you sucked it up and moved on. But you can't shove your pain inside and expect it to magically go away because it won't. If only it was that simple, but it's not. If you don't deal with what's going on, it will manifest in other places. Maybe like me you'll turn to drugs and alcohol, maybe eating is your comfort, maybe you'll have anger issues, get into trouble with the law, never have any lasting relationships or jump from person to person searching for something to fill that empty hole in your heart that you're not dealing with.

But trust and believe none of that will work, these are just temporary bandaids. It's like being shot and here you are putting a bandaid on the wound.They will work for a bit but the bleeding will eventually soak through so you get another bandaid...there that's it. But sooner or later that bandaid will be full as well because you have never addressed the bullet inside of you. It's not just going to disappear, you have to get it out no matter how bad it will hurt, it has to go.

Your feelings are just like that, you need to talk about them. You need to get help to deal with the surface problems that you created to hide the deeper ones and then dig into the main problem. Will it be easy? Oh Hell no, but trust me it will be worth it, I am standing here clean all these years later as proof. 
It is only then you will feel free, you will learn to deal with the pain and the choices you have made in order to hide that pain. 

So today my friends remember a bandaid will not stop a bullet wound from bleeding just like if you don't address the sounds of your past, you will continue to bleed.

Get help, there is free and low cost counseling all over the world and even in your backyard, you just have to ask for help. And like I say at the end of every blog…
Be the change you want to see 

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"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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