Prayer changes things

I am living proof of how prayers changes things

I prayed for a new life, I prayed to one day see Greece, I prayed for a home of my own. I prayed to have peace and have joy in my heart and here it is....All that I prayed for and more!

I am a huge believer in Prayer changes things... When you believe in something bigger than yourself, in something you cannot see but yet you still have a deep faith.

Prayer has been part of my life for the last 10 years, to me it's like breathing. It's just what I do but as my faith walk has evolved so has my prayers, I used to just pray about me and the things I wanted or needed.

I was always grateful for what God has given me but never knew about praying for others. Right after I got divorced I was at a Sunday service and my Bishop said you needed to pray for others, even your enemies. He said (yes, I can't make this up) that you should even pray for your ex's.
I am thinking, is he nuts? This man who made my life miserable and robbed me in the divorce? Him? I should pray for him? Oh hell, I'm praying alright... that he should burn in hell or better yet that his dick should fall off!  But what I said out loud was that I pray he gets hit by a bus. Oh, please don't act like most women in my situation aren't praying for the same or that you, yourself haven't prayed for that!

He went on to say that we needed to pray for them, so that we may get our blessings. Well, if I am anything, I am a good student of my Bishop and so I started to pray for him. I prayed he would change his ways, I prayed he would be a better father to my girls, I prayed he forgave me and himself of what happened in our marriage as I had done, I prayed he would let go of the hatred and bitterness he felt towards me that affected my girls. Then I started praying for others as well, I prayed for my family, my friends, my co-workers who have closed minds and everyone who did me wrong, yes, I even prayed for Mr.Con Artist and my ex best friend who robbed me, yup everyone.

Every night I prayed for so many people, including my enemies until it became natural. It wasn't just about me, it was becoming a blessing to others. I remember when my friend texted and said she wasn't coming to the gym because she was going to a prayer circle, I said okay then a second later I texted back and said please pray for me and two other friends I knew needed it.

Yes, I am so in tune with prayers that I have others pray for people I know as well. I know it works because that week I was so peaceful at work. My other friend said she also had a peace over her and she didn't know why and my third friend took a huge step to changing her life and sounded so very happy last night.

Really prayer doesn't work? I prayed that God would take my drugs and alcohol problems, my cigarette problem. I prayed he would give me courage and strength to change my life. I've prayed about my business when I had no job. I prayed about my home and my children when they got into trouble and I am standing here as living proof that...Yes! Prayer changes everything!

Ever notice how lately as you scroll down Facebook or other blogs that more and more people are posting about prayer and God? Now you will notice. Yes, more and more people believe this, look at the basis of the book The Secret, you put out there what you want and it comes, like attracts like.
Yes, it works, basic bible verses flipped around for the 21st century.
So I am here to give my gratitude that my prayers helped others and that when my friend prayed for us all, that God answered all of our prayers.

So today my friends, forgive those who have hurt you then pray for the haters, pray for your enemies, yes, even pray for that ex who did you wrong....pray, pray, pray ....because prayer changes things.

"Be the change you want to see"

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"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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