What being Christian means to me

What being Christian means to me

This is a subjective topic because everyone has an opinion on it and everyone thinks their opinions are the right ones. Keeping all of that in mind and remembering what my mom used to say all the time about opinions, you all that one…
Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I am still going to give mine on this subject.

Yes, I am a Christian. Yes, I go to church. Yes, I volunteer, I tithe, I pray and I have sick faith just like my Bishop taught me to.
But I am also human, and I refuse to pretend that I am not, that I won't fail or fall. That I will never be the "perfect" Christian like so many people in church pretend to be.

It's funny how people love to point the finger at you when you are a Christian. I'm talking about Christian and non Christians, oh yes, they will say "Well you're supposed to be Christian, why are you doing this or not doing that?" Like when you automatically give your life over, you become perfect, seriously? 

Has anyone read the Bible lately? Even Jesus' disciples, even after seeing all the miracles, traveling with him and being picked by him, screwed up. They questioned their faith, they turned on him, they went back to their ways and even betrayed him.
Yet he still loved them, he still forgave them because he knew that they were human and they would make mistakes.

So if anyone reads the Bible why would they ask these questions? My Bishop always says church is for the sick and broken people, because if you're perfect you don't need God. Yes, I was sick and broken, I was lost and alone, I felt hopeless and I didn't know where to turn. But God knew, he was waiting for me to call out to him and then he opened that door for me. Finding this church changed my life, it gave me hope and taught me faith. It was there for me every time I was ready to give up, it was as if God was speaking to me everytime I needed a message.

It taught me faith, compassion, and patience. I learned that I will never be perfect but I am okay with that, God is okay with that. One of my favorite bible verses is "He who has no sin, cast the first stone" and hello! Jesus said this! This means we have no right to judge anyone else because we will never be perfect. So why do so many people act like they are? Or others accusing us of not being "Christian" enough whatever the hell that means.

I'm me, I'm a human trying to do the best I can. Yes, I fail, I fall, I don't always do the right thing but I keep trying. Let me ask you something? If we fail at something should we just quit? Give in? Throw in the towel? Is that what we do? So why do so many people think that about being Christian? Making others feel less than or if you're not perfect than you don't belong in church. 

So today my friends, I am here to shout out yes, I am Christian and no, I'll never be perfect so that's the bottom line. Like it or not that's me and that's most of us for that matter. So why don't we all stop religion shaming, why don't we show others that we are the light, that we want others to know and feel what we know. Why are so many "Christians" pretending to be something we are not, no one, not one of us. Not the priests, the pope or the clergyman, no one is perfect, only Jesus and he died for our sins, he came to show us what forgiveness looks like. So if I'm not perfect enough for you, take it up with God because he loves me no matter what.

"Be the change you want to see"


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