When someone reminds you of who you are
When someone reminds you of who you are
Sometimes you wonder why things happen in life, why things change, why people you thought were there for you aren't anymore but in life things constantly change. We grow, we learn, we move on but sometimes the universe sends you a message. They send someone into your life for a purpose to let you know that some friends are always there for you even if it's been awhile since you talked. It's as if it was yesterday, like no time has passed, and before you know it you're giggling like teenagers again.
Sometimes when you need it most you'll hear that you made someone's day, that they are glad that you're in their life and they appreciate who you are and it's in these moments that you'll know that you are okay. When you can touch someone's heart and inspire them through their tough times, you will realize that that is who God made you to be.
Maybe you're not everyone's cup of tea, maybe not everyone likes tea and that's okay too. You don't need to be everyone's cup of tea because some people like coffee much better. When you get to a point in your life where you're good with that, when you're at peace with who you are and realize that you can't please everyone, that is when you'll know you've grown up. You can't please everyone, it's not your job to please everyone. It doesn't matter if everyone likes you, you have to do you. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll be able to move on without worry, and without guilt but with a peace that is unsurpassed.
Getting older teaches you all of these things, you no longer care who says what about you. You no longer wonder if they like you or if they are your friends because you're too busy living the life you want to lead. Knowing that you can inspire one person is better than trying to get a million likes on social media. As long as you can be true to yourself that's all that matters.
Life is too short to worry about what others think or say. Dave Chapelle said it best, you have to know your tribe, your tribe gets you even if no one else does.
So today my friends remember it's okay to grow, to even outgrow people. It's okay to let go of your worries about being like, and about others opinions because it only takes that one person to put it in perspective, to make you realize that just being you is okay. Like me or not I'm still good.
You will be the ray of sunshine in someone's life and that is all that matters.
"Be the change you want to see"
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