Your fantasy and your reality are not always the same

Your fantasy and your reality are not always the same

Sometimes we remember things, things that happen in our past... and sometimes that is not always the reality of our memories.

Sometimes we build things up in our minds, like when someone passes away. We tend to put them on a pedestal even if in real life they were horrible people, somehow our memories get twisted because they are now dead and somehow now they become saints in our minds.

Same thing with past remember them, you cherish the memories with them and when you go back and try to relive them it's just not the same. You've changed, they changed, times have changed and somehow it is never like you remember it.

There are some people who keep going back, time and time again. Fighting against all odds to try to make it like it was before. They can't let go of the feelings they have every time they think of that person. They so want it to be like it was before, they are stuck on stupid, trying over and over to fit this round peg into a square hole.

They might have a soul connection that they can't seem to break, so every time they are together the soul feels something even when the head is telling them it's not there anymore.
Yet this incredible pull will not let them matter how many times they go back, how many times they are hurt, it's like an addiction, hoping the next time will be like the first time.

As much as we would like to relive the past, it is done. Sometimes it's there to teach you a lesson, some people are in your life for a season, not everyone can come for the long haul. Sometimes the most painful thing is to let go and admit it is over.

It's a really hard thing to do, especially when you're like me, I am a pleaser and perfectionist. I don't want to give up, to admit defeat. I will keep trying, keep beating that dead horse, praying it will get up again even when I know it won't, because I don't want to quit.

But we must...we must do the very thing that hurts us the most. To continue to grow, to move on to better things that are waiting for us, if we let them.
That door closed for a reason, leave it closed, move on, it will be okay.

So today my friends, know when your fantasy is a fantasy and know when to realize that this is your reality. Sometimes it's the hardest choice you have to make, to be able to see the difference.

"Be the change you want to see"


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