Dating horrors, it's not just me

Dating horrors, it's not just me

So if you follow me you know all about my dating horrors from the last 8 years since my divorce. And just like when I was married and miserable, I thought I was all alone in how I was feeling. But I realized recently when I found this Facebook group about dating in today's world, I am definitely not alone. 
These things are happening to many women, all across the world, unbelievable! Who knew? I definitely didn't and now I don't feel so bad. 

It must be this culture that we are living in, no one wants to put any effort into it.
It's like you have 300 channels and you say there's nothing on to watch.
Same concept in dating, too many people to pick from so they end up just playing around with all the channels and not committing to any one.

Being in this group I have read about so many other women and their dick pic stories. To my friends who laugh at my stories, see this just doesn't happen to me! Which I am glad to say because seriously I thought it was me for a while. And even though I don't have cleavage or sexy pictures, no beach pictures, and it says on my profile that I am Christian and that I am not looking for a hookup but am looking for a long term relationship and they still send them. Wtf?? 

I am also happy to know I'm not the only one who gets ghosted. No, I'm not happy that it happens to other women, just that it's not just me out here getting ghosted. Seriously what the fuck is that about, be a man say your not feeling it, whatever it may be but to keep a women hanging wondering what happened when she clearly thought you were vibing together is not cool.

Also all the catfish out there, get a life! We have kids, a job, responsibilities we have no time to talk to, and open up to a man who is clearly stealing someone else's identity. Most of us are looking for something real, if you want to keep playing catfish, go and live in the meta verse where you all can pretend, we have no time for your nonsense on this planet!

Where are the real men, the gentlemen that used to be? That would ask you on a real date? That called you,  pursued you, treated you like a lady? These guys almost don't exist anymore. Maybe they disappeared when we allowed it to be okay to play hoochie mama's in their videos or when they called us hoes or bitches in their songs and everyone thought it was okay to treat women like that.
I don't know but all I know is this online dating sucks and now I know I am not alone, millions of other women feel the same way as I do.

So today my friends remember you are not alone. Yes, there are some good things that came from this time of technology like groups to let you know you're not alone, to make you laugh with their dating horrors, to allow us to feel better when life and dating is getting us down. 
And maybe, just maybe to give us hope in happily ever after and that there are some good men out there and you can actually catch a good fish in a pond of scum suckers.
Happy fishing to all! 

"Be the change you want to see"


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