Posting bible verses that you don't practice
Posting bible verses that you don't practice
So if you follow me or know me, you know that I don't sugar coat shit. I am real and raw. I have many sides to my personality and am not afraid to show or speak them.
Yes, I go to church and am a believer but I also like to go out drinking and dancing.
I curse, so sue me. I am human and yes, I screw up, and I fall down but I am honest about all my faults.
I will not post scriptures and say I am holier than thou yet behind closed doors do shitty stuff. I am not a hypocrite nor will I ever be.
But trust and believe there are many people out there posting all this God stuff yet will stab you in the back in a hot minute. How many pastors are preaching on Sunday and screwing their secretaries on Monday?
How many people are holy on Sunday's yet not paying their employees because they are spending money they do not have on cars and trips? How many businessmen are out there pretending to be religious yet will cheat poor people in their transactions?
Come on, let's be real and call a spade a spade.
I'm not pretending to be perfect because I'm not nor will I ever be. I am trying to be the best person I can be. Some days I make it and some days I fall short. But pretending to be so godly, looking down your nose at the rest of us and yet you can do stuff like this makes me sick. Judging others while you know damn well you are doing stuff you're judging others for.
I am no one to judge anyone else, at the end of the day I will not be asked about the stuff you did, only the things that I did. So while I am here I will continue to be honest, to know that I fall short and to know that others do too.
So today my friends remember just because you post bible verses doesn't make you holy. Anymore than sitting in a garage, makes you a car. Your insides have to match your outsides otherwise you are just a wolf in sheep's clothing.
"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
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