We need to fight back so vote!

We need to fight back, so vote

With elections right around the corner I feel that I must speak out about this topic yet again. Only we can change the world but only if we ban together and vote out those who are trying to control the world and our bodies. I can't believe that in this day and age that I am even writing this but unfortunately here it is. 

Bans have passed at least one legislative chamber in seven states: Arizona, Idaho, Wyoming, Florida, Kentucky, Oklahoma and West Virginia. They have been enacted in six of those states: Florida, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, Idaho and Wyoming.

With Roe v. Wade’s future is uncertain, thank God that many states are pushing legislation that will support women and their bodies. Some 30 states and the District of Columbia are considering measures that protect and expand access to abortion. Laws that protect the right to have an abortion already exist in at least 16 states and the District of Columbia.

Some states have gone further: Lawmakers in Vermont voted to move forward on an amendment to the State Constitution that would guarantee the right to an abortion. In Connecticut, lawmakers approved a bill that would expand the field of people who can perform certain types of abortions beyond doctors, to include nurse-midwives, physician assistants and other medical professionals.

I remember writing about when Georgia became the fifth state to ban abortion at six weeks after a last menstrual period. I was outraged as this "time frame" will be before many women will even know that they are pregnant.

These laws go even further than the other laws, even as far as criminalizing doctors and others who help induce abortions. It will now charge pregnant women for murder if they decide to have an abortion... even if they go to another state. Then they decided that wasn't enough and will even charge the person that drives you there as well with attempted murder.

Wtf is going on here? How in the world did this bill get passed? Where was the outrage? Where was the outcry of injustice?

How much more restrictive could these laws get than charging a women with murder on her own body? Are we now going to burn them on a stake? Hang them in the square?

This is where we are headed on but not just on abortion, people. The good old boys are in charge, they have already brought out their white sheets they had been hiding for so many years. They are loud and proud of their racism, their disgust of the gay and lesbian community and now they just want to bring us straight back to the fifties, as they are slowly outlawing our abortion rights and other rights to come. What you don't remember the don't say gay bill Deathsantis passed here in Florida.

I am mad as hell!! Because this is what happened in Germany or don't you remember because our textbooks no longer teach our children the hideous crimes Hitler did to millions of people.
First they started by taking away rights of certain people, small things at first. Then they added others, until before they knew what hit them, all of their rights were gone and he was a vicious, murdering dictator.

Wake up people! They want to put the gays back in the closet, the blacks and minorities on the back of the bus again and now abortions in the dirty back alleys, where they once were in. Who's next Jewish people, Christians? Anyone who doesn't believe and look like them?

And why are we not mad as hell? What is wrong with us as a country? Are we so self absorbed in our lives, in our "likes" In our own crap that we don't see this? This is not going to get better, trust and believe, it will only get worse. This may not affect you, but trust and believe they will eventually take away your rights, then how will you feel?

I had to have an abortion at 15 because of a rape, it was my body, my choice. It will always be my body, my choice. Are you going to ban women from cosmetic surgery to change their bodies too? No, that would never happen as the good old boys like big boobs to grab as they may! Where does the line stop?

We must speak out, we can change this now! We need to vote out these people, we need to write to our congressman. We need to speak out about our government, we need to protest, to write about it, to speak out, and speak loud as this is going to affect everyone sooner or later. 

I will leave you with this famous quote from Martin Niemöller about the Holocaus that I hope will be an eye opener for you because this could be us...sooner than later.

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me"

Vote! Speak up! Speak loud! Do it today!!

"Be the change you want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed


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