When Islamic government becomes religious

When Islamic government becomes religious 

Just in case you decide your vote doesn't matter, here is an image from Iran of a woman cutting her birthday cake in 1973, 5 years before the Islamic Revolution there. This is when women were allowed to wear what they wanted to. 
This is what can happen when the government gets religious. And all women should be worried because it can happen anywhere. 
All over the world, women have been and continue to be treated like second class citizens. Women's rights are being taken away all over, just like they have been here.

Back in 1976 in Iran, women could walk down the street with makeup and earrings but you wouldn't see this today.
"There is this concept of 'decency' in Iran - so nowadays women walking in the streets are likely to wear a coat down to her knees and a scarf because they are afraid of being killed for doing so.

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 brought seismic changes to women.

One area that has brought many concerns is the way women dress and wear their hair. In the 1930's the old Shah banned the veil and ordered police to forcibly remove headscarves. But in the early 1980s, the new Islamic authorities imposed a mandatory dress code that required all women to wear the hijab.

According to the New York Times, enforcement of the modesty laws was the apparent reason the country’s morality police arrested Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish woman, several weeks ago. The police claimed that Ms. Amini had collapsed suddenly from a heart attack during mandatory training on the hijab rules while in custody. But when a video and photo of her in the hospital in a coma, bruises on her face and blood dripping from her ear, were shared online, they quickly went viral — and provoked fury.

After she died a few days later, the protests exploded into the largest mass demonstrations Iran has seen for years.

So today my friends we need to speak out for these women who are under attack. With our laws here that are now controlling our own bodies, who knows what is next. As I watch a Handmaid's Tale I can't help but think there is a fine line between fact and fiction and at any time we could cross over that line.
Let us not forget that at one time these women had freedoms that they do not have now. You need to get out and vote! We can change this! 

We all have to "Be the change we want to see"
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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