Why I gave up dating for a year

Why I gave up dating for a year

If you know me or follow me, you know I am the Taylor Swift of blogging. I will and have written about all my dates. For a while there, it was almost like this was a sex in the city blog. 

But dating in today's world is exhausting, or maybe it's just at this age, whichever it is, I finally just gave up. I was sick of getting dolled up to meet yet another man who only wanted sex.
It got so bad that I only dated on Sunday afternoons as I was already looking cute for church. 

And let's be honest here, well, you sure as hell know that I am. We all have that friend with benefits or that pocket di@k that we can call up and scratch that itch we have, just the way we like it. So, I am not interested in sleeping with some strangers that could suck in bed. Sorry…not sorry. I refuse to sugarcoat shit. 

I am looking for a long-term relationship with my best friend. Yes, I want the fairy tale. I am not looking for a wham, bam, thank you ma'am.
But I was not finding that, so I stopped looking. I focused on myself. I focused on my girls and my friends. On things I wanted to do or learn and, of course, my writing. And before I knew it, a year flew by.

I have to tell you I didn't miss it at all. I don't need a man, I want one and there's a difference. I will not settle just for a warm body in my bed. You have to bring more to the table than just your junk! I see so many women put up with crap just so they can say they have a man. Not me, I can take my own self to dinner, I can fix things in my own house. I will not put up with shit for the little you get in return. 

So today, my friends, I am here to tell you that it's okay to be alone. It's okay to back out of the dating scene and give yourself a break. You might learn that you like your own company. That you can make yourself happy and that you can even make it without dating for a year.
“Be the change you want to see” 


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