It takes one person to change your view of yourself

It takes one person to change your view of yourself 

I know many experts say you need to find your own self-worth, and I agree to a point. If you have been in abusive relationships and maybe you constantly have picked the same type of men, this is hard.

You're programmed to have low self-esteem. They constantly tell you that you're worthless, that you'll never find anyone else or that you won't be able to make it on your own. 
Day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. You start believing that. That is why so many of us keep picking the same type of man we ran away from. 

Deep down, we don't feel like we are enough. Maybe you're like me, a people pleaser still trying to attain my grandmother's love. Whatever the reason, you are in a cycle you can't seem to get out of.

But sometimes you find that one person who believes in you. That loves you for you, flaws and all. That one person who is your cheerleader, who gives you the hope and support to be the best you possible. That one person can change your view of how you see yourself. 

The Prince was that person for me. Even though we knew this wasn't going to be our forever love story (He wanted children, mine were grown) He taught me self-love. He encouraged me to believe in myself and to know that I was worthy to deserve more than my past relationships gave me.

He allowed me to look deep inside and told me that I was an amazing woman every day. His love healed me and gave me the strength to change my inner thoughts about myself. I am a true believer in everything happens for a reason. I know that God, the universe, or whatever you want to call it, put him in my life for this lesson. 

Many times, a person will come into your life, maybe not forever, maybe just for a season but always for a lesson. We must be able to see it for what it is. We must always be looking for lessons in life in order to grow and change.

So today, my friends, even if you don't think you're worthy. Even if your self-esteem is low, know that there is someone out there who believes in you. Who will love you, for you, and if you allow it, will teach you a lesson. It only takes that one person to change your view of yourself.
"Be the change you want to see,"


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