Thriving in drama

Thriving in drama 

There are so many people out there who are thriving in drama. Everything in their lives is drama filled.
It's like a week can’t go by without some kind of drama happening to them or around them. For me, I am done with drama. I had too much for 24 years. At this stage of my life, I just want peace. I have no energy for drama, and no, I refuse to let you suck me into yours.

I have friends like this. Every phone call is about their drama. Seriously, how much drama can one person have? I can't, I have to distance myself from this. This sucks my energy. It's negative, and I can't have that in my space. I love you but need to love you from afar. If you can't put your foot down and walk away or cut out the people in your life that is causing the drama that's on you. But you can not bring your drama on me and expect me to get caught up in that nonsense. No, it's not happening.

See, I choose to have joy, I choose not to worry, I choose this peace I have, and I have worked hard to get it. I have gone to therapy multiple times. I put the work into changing my world. You need to do the same. 

So today, my friends, I'm here to tell you that the drama in your life is on you. You chose to keep it there because you thrive on it. This is your choice, you like it, it gives you something otherwise you would change it. For some of you, it's like the air you breathe, and you've been in it so long it's normal to you. And hey, if that's the way you choose to live, do you boo. But don't expect to drag everyone else in it with you because we do not thrive on drama. 

“Be the change you want to see”
"Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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