Crying With Joy

Crying with joy

I don't know if it's just me, but there are days I just want to cry with joy. There are days like this last weekend that I am so grateful just to be alive that I want to dance. Here I was after weeks of not feeling good that I finally dragged my ass off the couch and out into this beautiful breezy day that we pray for in South Florida. I walked around my lake listening to my headphones with my favorite music, and I was smiling and “dance walking” around the lake. Yes, I made that up. It's actually dancing while you're walking, and yes, that's how good I felt. I watched the swans and the squirrels play. I was grateful for the breeze, for the sun, for the trees blowing. 

I gave thanks for just being alive, for my eyes to see all of this beauty. For my legs that I could walk, for my ears to hear the birds. I gave thanks for my life because even though I don't have all I want. I know I have all I need. I am grateful even while I am going through the storms of life. 

Look, I know how far I've come. How much I have been through, how much pain, how much loss, and how unhappy I was for years in my verbally abusive marriage. So, being where I am now is pure joy. It doesn't matter that I don't have a big house, or fancy cars or lots of vacations, I have peace and I have joy now, which is priceless. 

So today, my friends, even though you may not have everything you want, look around you. There are so many things to be grateful for. You have a home,food, a job, and a car, so many things other people may be praying for. Be grateful for the little things, and before long, you'll be grateful for all things, and maybe you'll be like me crying with joy.
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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