No class anymore

No class anymore 

I really don't understand what is going on in this world. I was listening to the radio (Imagine that, that people still do that) and they were talking about a singer who was an opening act and people actually threw a bottle at her, during her act. Seriously? What the fuck is wrong with people. Have some damn respect, she may have not been the person you came to see but she's doing her job, she trying to entertain you, have some respect. Come late if you don't want to see her but don't act like an animal and throw something at her. 

And then theres the Housewives of who gives a shit, fighting like a bunch of street rats yet again. And people care? Why? These are grown ass women acting worse than high school girls. What is wrong with today's society? It's no wonder so many women don't want to bring children into this world. I am glad I am in my second half because this is too painful to watch anymore.

The role models of today are people who put out sex tapes and make themselves look faker and faker like Kim Kardashian. Did you see her waist at the Met Gala? This is who we want to be? This is who the girls are literally dying to look like?

All the fake people pushing their fake lives and fake pictures on social media making the rest of the world feel bad that they are not balling like them. 
People twerking and showing their ass everyday, which is their whole social media gig.

When did we lose class? When did we say it was okay to allow men to drag us around half naked like Kanye west? Or call us whores in music videos?
Where is our self worth or self esteem? When did we lose it?

So today my friends, don't follow the trends, don't let these “influencers” tell you what to do or how to act. Don't follow the trends of women belittling other women. Be a real woman, be a compassionate human being. Be kind, have some self respect, and have compassion and respect for others. Start your own trend of being a person of class.
“Be the change you want to see”
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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

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