Hell no you won't be talking to me like that again !

Once apon a time there was a girl who fell in love with a boy and to please him she slowly let go of her voice. This doesn't happen all at once,it is a gradual thing,oh he doesn't like this so I won't do it,he doesn't like this friend so I won't be with them. Then comes the justifications "he's only doing or saying these things cause he loves me and wants the best for me" now your all laughing because you have done it ,its ok the first step is always admitting to the problem. Then he threatens to leave so you don't fight back because you are afraid you will lose him (not like there's not a million jerks like him out there that you could find,you love this jerk!) before long you have given all your power to him ,you are a shell of who you use to be and you don't know who you are or how you gotten there. Now that you've crawled through fire and have emerged like the phoenix out of the ashes , you will never let anyone take your power (unless you didn't learn your lesson and decided to go back for round two with the next jerk!) yes some women don't learn! Recently he said something and the flash backs came, "what the Hell is wrong with you?" " Don't you ever speak to me that way ,do you understand me?" ( like I was a there year old ) "what?? I have a real job unlike you who sits home and eats bon bons ,I pay the bills in this house !" ( I was raising two kids ,helping with both of his businesses ,still Did hair on the side and cooked ,cleaned ,did yard work ,any projects in the house ,I didn't really work did I? Nah!) My back went straight up (not like before ,head hung low,shoulders in defeat) oh no thoese days are over ,I have found my voice and you will never speak to me like that again! I did not like through Hell not to grow some! You will give me the respect I deserve ! Do you understand ?? I know my purpose and its to help other women find their voice . I set the example for them so buddy ,you will never talk to me like that again ! How many of you gave your power away or know someone what's has,its time to get your voice back ,stand up and demand respect or let that man walk out the door good ridance to bad rubbish ! You are worth more ,you desire more ,believe that!


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