I still have faith in the human race no matter what...
As street smart as I am ,I still have that innocence about me, I believe the best in people,I give the benefit of doubt ,I trust until you give me reason not to.that is just who I am not going to change after all these years nor would I ever want to. I am a cup is half full person , the sun will come out tomorrow ... Yada yada yada . So when I met someone who wanted me to help with a cause that is near and dear to my heart ,I was excited to try to help. This year I found out what the purpose of my life is ... Which is to help women find their voices,to be their voice until they are strong enough to stand up to their abusive partners. So I am thinking great god has opened yet another door for me to do my calling,but I tell women all the time look out for the red flags and listen for the warning bells because there will ALWAYS be the flags and the bells trust me when I tell you this !!
The first bell was when he tried to tell me what kind of relationship I was in after talking to me all of two minutes ,but I thought he passioniate about what he does (here we go justifying their behavior ) warning bell two when he kept calling me non stop in the morning (are you listening??) third sign ding ding ding hear them ! Watch the flag just slapped you in the face ! He said he was going to take down my post,he didn't like the way I wrote my blog ok people I write my blog the way my heart is for that day good bad or indifferent its me and Hell if some one anyone will tell me what to do anymore in this life time! Now in my book three strikes and your out ! I am not waiting around for two hundred more signs ,red flags or warning I'm done! So I happen to go back to read my blog to see if anyone would take offence to it when some how I clicked on a site that does potions for getting people booted from Facebook and here is three hundred women yes I said three hundred women who said he was a fraud and how he was victimizing these victims! Really ? Are there really people out there that would do this ? How could someone be so cruel ? Nah .. I thought but you can't Nah three hundred names away. I called some of them because I am still in disbelief yes they all have the Same story . I am a big ,big believer in karma and this man will get his there is nothing so low as taking advantage of a person when they are at there lowest point. I am a big believe in every thing happens for a reason and maybe this is for me to start up my own group to have a place where these women can actually feel safe and not worry about people like this. Even with all this said I still think most people are good that a few are rotten but it doesn't spoil the rest or my opinion of them. So I will still be looking at that half full glass but I will be watching out for the warning signs as well.
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