When it is your season,God will open all doors...
I have always been a big believer in everything happens for a reason.. And I know that this is my season ,I went through all the pain I went through for a reason ,I now know my purpose for my life ... That I shall be the voice for all the women out there who have lost theirs. And when you know god and you know your purpose doors just magically open for you, I decided I wanted to write this book about domestic verbal abuse and just like that I found a writng group who's leader was an editor for a newspaper for thirty years ,he's taken a like to me and has been helping me edit my book and with the steps along the way to publish it.ha really?? Yes really! That is how favor works ! Then the other day I get a call from a guy who runs the biggest non violence against women site he said he liked my blog and how I was so positive even after being in such a relationship for so many years. He wants me to join and help other women to see that you can get your voice back. I also want to be able to go around the county talking to women,inspiring them ,empowering them ,letting them know they are worthy! So god opened yet another door where I may start to do what I was born to do . I know we all have a story some better than mine some way worst then mine but it is about how you tell your story to the world. Are you telling it through a victims mentality ? Or are you telling it through the eyes of a survivor not dwelling on the pain you endured but how you got through and still feel blessed!
I am blessed and I do not ever question why I went through what I did as you need a test for your testimony ! So I will be walking though this other door that god opened for me because I want to be a blessing to others and I don't want to waste one moment I have left here on earth ,I want to fulfill my purpose!
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