Signs all around us

Thursday Treadmill Treats
Signs all around us
I write this blog and yes, I try to inspire others to believe, to believe in what they cannot see, to have faith even in the darkest moments.
Yet sometimes I am human and I wonder about my dreams, what I believe is coming in my life. There are some days that I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that all that I have on my vision board will come to pass, I know it with every being in my body.
But yes, there are days when I am thinking "Ok God when is this going to happen? I know this is my purpose, you know my heart, I have faith, I've done my works, I have waited patiently (okay maybe not so patiently ) But I am still here, still waiting....Hello...
A friend of my recently said if you keep asking for signs, that means you don't really believe, you keep needing reinsurance.
It was a Oprah light bulb moment, she was right, if I knew what was for me why do I keep asking for signs?
Hell even a few months ago on the way to church I asked for a another sign and the message that night was God said don't ask for anymore signs! I can't make this up!
But I am hard headed, I need to be beat in my hard head a few times to know it's true.
So from that day on I have not asked for signs, I believe and I will wait.. kind of patiently.
Today I was thinking, one day I will on a plane like this flying across the country promoting my New York times bestseller and speaking to people with my message, but when....
As I sat in my seat, I opened my book Every day a Friday from Joel Osteen and guess what...yup a sign and I didn't even ask for one.
It said and I quote
"concerning that dream or hope of yours, your about to give up, God is saying it will come to pass, you may not see anything happening, you may feel that you didn't hear God correctly.
Right now he is arranging things in your favor, what he promised you, he will bring to pass"
Wow.. I could have opened it up to any one of 253 pages because I haven't read it in so long but no this is the page I turned to, this is the first thing my eyes fell on...coincidence you its a sign..
Yes...sometimes he is giving you sign even when you don't ask for them.
So today my friends, hold on to your dreams, look for the signs, they are all around you, a song, a stranger, a quote, a message from your pastor, everywhere...these are there to give you hope, to hold on until that dream comes!
"Be the change you want to see"
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