This is for all you creepers

Tuesday Treadmill Treats

This is for all you creepers

Since I've changed my life, since I left my marriage, since I've started to love myself and my life, the one big thing I've done is to be honest.

I am brutality honest and in writing this blog I decided to be transparent with all things in my life.

So when a "friend" of mine and his wife stopped talking to me after my divorce, I was hurt, really hurt. For 24 years they were in my life, every holiday, every birthday, every vacation, they were part of my girls lives and yet as soon as I got divorced poof! Nothing, no calls, no nothing, they cut me off just like that!

Now fast forward a year and a half later he decided to friend me on Facebook, no message just a friend request. So I messaged back "tell me something? Why would you want to be my Facebook friend when your no longer my friend in real life " I asked.

I thought that was a honest question.. you haven't spoke to me in almost two years now you want to be my "Facebook friend" please! You want to creep on my page, on my life...

Here's the thing I no longer have time for phony friends, for fake people, the people on my Facebook page actually call me and we actually hang out, they are actually "real" friends not just "Facebook friends"

See they know what's going on in my life because they are part of it with Facebook or without it, they would still know.

You my "friend" want to creep to see how well I am doing, to report back to my ex, to get some kind of sick thrill out of my failures..whatever the reason I am calling you out..and how do I know you will be reading this? Because I know you read my blog as well and so here's something to report...I am happier than I've ever been...I have an incredible life full of travel, of love, of family and of  real friends, lots of real friends.
I no longer cry every night,  I no longer let someone's  opinion of me effect my self worth, I no longer care what people say about me, yes, I fall, I make mistakes but dear God I am real, I no longer pretend to be something I am not...I am free!

And it's a shame you are missing all of this but it is your loss not mine...see I am honest, I no longer lie, my old life was one big lie, my new life is about being honest...sorry if I called you out...just being honest...

Now if you would be honest with yourself you would answer my question I sent to you...why do you want to be my Facebook friend when your no longer my friend in real life?
That would be honest...

So today my friends, keep it real,be honest, get rid of the creepers in your life, you no longer have to prove anything to anyone. You got this, you can and will have an incredible life and the only people you need to share it with are your real friends.

"Be the change you want to see"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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  1. Brutally honest. Thanks for sharing. Everyone needs real friends and often Facebook friends are not real. Best to you moving forward - your friend at DivorceForce.


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