Why does my truth scare you

Tgif Treadmill Treats
Why does my truth scare you?
I was talking with a friend last week and she said people are afraid of me...that they are afraid to get close to me because I put my whole life out on this blog.
I was a little taken back by that, afraid to get close to me? What do I say that would make people be afraid? I tell my truth...I own my mistakes, I have no skeletons in my closet, I am transparent....
But then I thought those are the very reasons they are scared. People put on these fronts, these masks that they wear to "impress" others.
Look at my big house, I am doing well, check out my fancy car, I am the man. Look at my designer clothes, wish you were me.. but behind closed doors they are miserable, they owe everyone, their spouse has a drinking problem, they have a sham of a loveless marriage, cheating spouses, their kids are failing, their world is falling apart yet they would die before they admitted that.
See I am free from all that worry...I have had more heartache and I have screwed up more that most, I know that it's not the end of the world. I know what's it costs to keep up the facade to the world, I barely got out with my soul, living your truth is so much easier then living the lie.
Are you afraid that someone might see you in my truth? Am I hitting too close to your home? Just reading my words make you uncomfortable because I've hit a nerve?
Yes, I chose to put it all out here, I will never call anyone out, I never do it with malice, I do so because I hope there is someone out there reading this that will connect, that they will step out of the darkness into the light, to stand and say yes, I messed up, yes I have flaws, yes, I am human and I will no longer hide or be ashamed of my past.
To be able to say, hey look at her, she tells it to the world and she is still standing...I can tell it to....fill in the blanks and it will be okay.
I do it so that others will know no matter how low you fall, you can get back up, you can change, start over, do it again, no matter how old, no matter how many times you failed before, there is always tomorrow, a new day... a new start...
So today my friends, if my words scare you, think about why? There is a reason I have touched that nerve, so what are you hiding and why does it scare you?
"Be the change you want to see"
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