Why do you keep going back

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Why do you keep looking back?

Yes, we all look back at the past, we sometimes cannot let go of the past, we remember the feelings and we want them back, we want to replay that time over in our minds.

What is it that were looking for? Why do we keep looking back there? Do you think that the answer will be different this time?

We keep thinking if only, if only we did this different I would be happy, if only now that we know what's out there, we know what true love was but we let it go...this time will be different.

The pain your heart feels when you think back, when you realize that you will no longer hold them in your arms, that their lips will never touch yours again, that you are no longer in each other's lives even though you would do anything to change the situation.

Yet you keep looking back, hoping it can be different this time, maybe your smarter, maybe the moon is in just the right place, maybe the sun fell off its axel, maybe.....

I remember an old saying that keeps replaying in my head, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

It's not going to happen, no matter how many times you keep beating that dead horse, he is dead,  he's not going to get up, no matter how many wonderful memories you had of riding him, it's over you can't ride him again, not going to happen.

You have to move on, put the memories in a box, put them in the back corner of your heart and leave them where they are supposed to be in the past.
Yes, it will hurt, yes right now your thinking you will never find a job like that, a time like that, a person that you loved with all your heart and soul, right now it seems dark and alone but remember it only takes one day...one day for your life to change...one day to fall in love again...one day and your life can be completely different.

So today my friends don't look back, there is a reason the rear view mirror is smaller than the front windshield, you need to see what's in front of you... look ahead better days are coming.

Be the change you want to see"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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