Mother's day message

Treadmill Treats Monday Message

Mother's day message

Yesterday was Mother's day and I chose to honor God and my mom by going to her favorite place and I imagine God's as well...the beach.

Some people think you must be in church to honor God.
That's like saying if you sit in a garage, your a car... See God is everywhere you are, God is in you, God made you, he knows your heart.

There are some times I need to be alone with him, I need to talk to him one on one. I need to cry because I am so very grateful for all he has done in my life.

I walked for miles, I prayed, I cried for my mother, I gave thanks over and over, for where I am.
I looked back, I remembered the times I had woken up on mother's day...Loving the fact that I was blessed to be a mom but hating my life, my circumstances, the road I took to get there.

I hated that I gave up so much, that I lost my soul for "things" I thought were important but in the long run brought me no happiness at all.

I reflected over the lessons God had taught me, the lessons he is still teaching me. I reflected over the small things that I am now grateful for...

The joy I have in my life now, the peace I feel in my home, in my soul, the gratitude I feel each and every day for where I am now. I no longer have fear, I no longer need to lie, I no longer need to to worry as I have this unshakeable faith in him.

I know my mom will always be with me, I know the lessons she taught me, I will carry on.

I know that the strength she showed in the face of conflict, gives me strength to go on.

I know the love she always gave to me and everyone around her showed me how to open my heart, how to be compassionate, to be giving.

I know that her work ethic, her willingness to learn, to never give up showed me I can do anything. I know all she taught me, I am passing on to my girls, I am teaching them so she will always live on...

I know all I've been through is for a purpose and even though I might not like what I am feeling right now, I know this will also be for my testimony. This will be so I can tell others never give up, that dreams can come true if you believe!

So today my friends remember, it doesn't matter where you are, where you give thanks, how you praise God as long as you are doing it... God is listening, he hears your cries, he holds your heart in his hands, he has you....
Never forget you are a child of the most high God...he is always there just like my mom is...
I love you mom...

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My book "The blessing in Disguise"
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