National day of prayer
Thursday Treadmill Treats
National day of prayer
Today is National day of prayer, people all over the world will come together and pray as one.
The bible speaks of "When two or more people come together to pray, I am with them"
There has never been a time when we needed to come together more, than now. We have more racism, more hate, less tolerance and more divide in our world than ever.
Instead of coming together to make "Our nation great" we have never been more torn apart, we are the laughing stock of the world and may be on the verge of World War 3.
We need prayer more than ever, we need to come together, Black, White, Asian, Muslim, Christian, Gay, Straight,Trans, all of God's people, must come together and pray for peace, pray for tolerance, for strength in these troubled times.
Prayer changes things...I know... you are looking at someone who had hit the bottom, who lost my self, my faith and my way. Yet through it all I prayed, I believed that prayer could change things, even while I lay crying night after night, even when it seemed hopeless, I prayed...
We seem to pray only when we need something, when there is nothing else, when it's our last hope. When we should pray every day, when we should be grateful for anything and everything we have, we should pray for our neighbors, our families, our loved ones and yes, even our enemies.
Matthew 5.44
"But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Yeah that one was a hard one for me, what? Love my enemies, pray for them...Oh I'm praying that they .....
Oh you know what you would end that sentence with.
But I've learned you need to pray for them, to heal their hearts, to fill them with God...that is the only way things will change.
To put out evil thoughts about another, even when it is deserved, is perpetuating hate and anger.
What we need to put out in the world is... love, compassion and tolerance for others, even for the ones who hurt us, even for the ones that are different from us, they are all God's children just like you and I.
Mathew 18.19
"Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven"
So today my friends, remember let's come together and ask God to heal us, all of us.
Let us ask for peace, for compassion, for tolerance, but most of all, for love for one is the most spoken word in the bible...he is trying to tell us something...let's listen today on this very important National day of prayer...
I'll end this with my favorite song..."I'll pray for you, you pray for me and watch God change things"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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