Replenished faith

Treadmill Treats Monday Message

Replenished faith

Sometimes when you are going through something, you have the best intentions, you are serving God to the best of your ability but then you slide off track.
You start to have doubts, you listen to other's and their doubts.

Don't let others tell you that you are not in the will of god.
You know you are doing your best to be in the will of God. You read your word, you come to church, you try to always do the right thing.
But so  many things are pulling you into a dark place, you feel overloaded by the cares of life.

You been pushed over the edge because can't see or hear God,  you have put your faith on pause. You can't see or feel it so it must not be there.
But you need to remember,
"You can do all things though Christ"

When your are on pause, you are motionless... but God says
"You need to run the race"
Your life is always about progress...

Your running on empty and it's causing you to panic. I am here to tell you, it's time to restore the joy of the Lord in your life, you must live your life with a purpose!

You are not who your condition's say you are, your not what people are saying about you, you are not what that little voice in your head says.

You are a overcomer, you need to walk by faith!
You need to come back to the place when you first started your walk, when you believed anything is possible, because anything is possible!

Stop going with the flow, you are a person with a purpose, wake up and ask God what would he have you do...

It is when you start assuming you know it all, that's when you become lost, when you don't think you need God and when you don't thank God for what you have, it is then you that you need his word ever than ever.

You need to have a fresh word from God everyday....
You need to seek it out, you need it like you need air, like you breathe, like you will not survive without, his word.

The problem is you have less God in you and more of the world in have become overloaded and frustrated, running on flumes. What you need to do is humble yourself, cast way all of your anxieties, set aside your pride and ego.

Let God watch over you...
You have no control over things in life.... your happiness is being determine by what you give your attention to...
Did you hear that?
Whatever is consuming your time will consume your life...

Remeber stuff happens!! You can pay attention to your stuff or you can pay attention to God...Stuff happens!

Your finances, your low self esteem, you have depression, you have addiction, there is drama in your life, you have sickness, you need a relationship, you have a bad... marriage....whatever is weighing you down but remember.... stuff happens!

So today my friends, let me tell you, none of these things will destroy you if you keep your eyes on God.
Stop letting the issues of life, destroy you, you need to fix yourself before you try to fix someone else.

Deal with the issues of your life, pray yourself up, read the word, go to church, believe that anything is possible.

You need to say God, I need you, I am overwhelmed, I can't breathe without you...I give it all to you....I turn over all my worries, all my you.... believe all is possible...know that God is working for you.... Replenish your faith....

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My book "The blessing in Disguise"
Selling on my website:


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