Letting go of your dead weight

Tuesday Treadmill Treats

Letting go of your dead weight

Today's blog deals with  other's that you may be wasting your time on. Yes, that sounds harsh but let's be real there are people in our lives that are not worth it, that do nothing but bring us pain, that are literally dead weight.

The are some points in life when (hopefully) you change, you grow and you decide you want other things but some of the people you have have in your life, have no intention of ever changing and they certainly don't want you to change and leave them behind.

When I quit doing drugs and drinking years ago my partying friends were pissed.
"What are you better than us?" They actually said to me, they tried to coax me into drinking and using again, they used all kinds of tactics  to get me to stay where they were. But I was done and unfortunately I had to be done with them as well, not because I didn't love them but I couldn't stay in that environment.

I was trying to save my life and if I stayed I knew I might not ever be able to return, so I had to walked away.

When I got married and had kids alot of my friends were single, they still expected me to be able to go out on a drop of a dime and party all night but I couldn't. I needed to find out my husband's plans, to find a baby sitter, hello, all the mother's out there, you feel my pain, this is a project! They would get mad when I had to cancel due to a kid with a fever, but this was my life now and that was my old life so again I had to walk away.

When I was working on my business and worked 2 jobs, I was focused on my goals. I had some friends that it was okay for them to make minimum wage and not want to better their lives, look good for them but it wasn't good for me.

I wanted more and they got pissy and jealous of things I was buying with my hard earned money. Yes, these friendships parted as well.

When I turned 40 I got rid of all my toxic friends, negative, mean, always downing life and people friends, gone... Sorry, I'm at the half way mark in my life, I don't want to waste it by sitting around dogging others out and  being negative.

Now at this point of my life, I truly realize how short life is, I refuse to run after friendships or run after a man for that matter. I know my worth and if you can't see it, that's your problem not mine.
I have been cutting more dead weight than a lumberjack in the forest lately, I refuse to keep around lying, fake ass people anymore.

Look your mother was right, show me your friends and I will show you who you are. It can not help but for them to rub off on you, little by little.

I chose my road, I chose my destiny, I chose who I spend the precious time I have left here on earth with and I am truly sorry if your not going to be coming on this trip with me.

There is a saying some friends come into your life for a season or for a reason and it's true, not all friends or partners are there forever. Enjoy your time, learn your lessons, then move on when the time comes and think fondly of the times you did share.

So today my friends, it's time to start cutting the dead wood, the friends, the partner, even the family members who are holding you down, holding you back, this is your time to fly, don't miss your opportunity because of the dead weight.

Think of what you really want... then fly baby fly!!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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My book "The blessing in Disguise"
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