When enough is enough
Thursday Treadmill Treats
When enough is enough
There comes a time in everyone's life when enough is enough, this applies to all areas in your life.
When your relationship is enough, there has been enough cheating, enough lying, enough put downs, you are just done and you want out at all cost.
When your job is enough, it's crushing you, you hate going every day, you cry going and coming home, you feel that you are not fullfiling your dreams or God's Destiny for your life. You are suffocating and it doesn't matter how much money you are making, because it is not worth it.
What about your partying ways? Are you drinking every day? Are you sick of waking up every day feeling like you got run over by a bus, you miss work, you lay in bed, swearing you wont do it again, yet there you are the next weekend pounding them down.
When you keep dating one loser after another, when they are not bringing anything to the table but their dicks, it's enough and you realize you deserve so much more.
When is it enough? It's when you are sick and tired, of being sick and tired, that is when it will be enough!
When you cant possibly imagine going through one more day doing this, when you want better for yourself and your life and you realize, you deserve better.
When you start to love yourself, value yourself, when you decied to share your life with a person who cares about you, not just to end up alone and a drunk, or thirty years later with a gold watch for a job you hated.
I realized this when my mom pasted away and then again, recently when my best friend suddenly pasted, how truly short life is and I realized that I didn't want to waste a second longer being unhappy and being sick and tired so I made a change and now my life is incredible!
I am now focusing on me, on becoming the best me I can be, in my health, my peace of mind, of what I want and what I no longer will settle for, ever!
So today my friends, remember you can change your life, it is up to you, you can dump the losers, you can lose the job thats killing you, you can cut off those toxic friends and family members. It's your life, you get to choose and when the day comes and you realize enough is enough, then all things are possible.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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