Be kind

Be kind

I always say you never know what someone is going through. Look at so many people like Robin Williams who everyone thought was so happy and yet he obviously was in so much pain that he thought the only answer was to kill himself.

We don't know what is going on behind a person's smile, what pain they are hiding, what guilt or grief is eating them up inside. I know for myself I am always happy on the outside even if I am dying on the inside. You can never tell what I am going through because I hide it so well. Many people are like me, never showing the world what we are truly feeling.

We must always be kind because your one kind word or deed may actually change a person's life. Your story may inspire someone to go on. 

I remember telling my story about wanting to kill myself and how God placed someone in my life to talk me off the ledge. I had hit rock bottom once again, although no one knew I was drowning.
Because of this man's kindness and words, I held on, and a year later my life completely changed for the better. That  year I wrote a blog about my story to thank this person for his kindness and I received a message from someone who was also in that dark place about to end his own life. He read my story and it inspired him to hold on, to keep believing it would get better for him as it did for me. 
One act of kindness helped me and my honesty, my testimony helped someone else. Did either of us know it would cause such a domino effect? No, because sometimes we never realize how our kindness touches others.

So today my friends remember, we never know what a person is going through. We may never know how our kind words or deeds will change someone's life. But do it anyways, be kind, pay it forward, speak your truth because you never know who you may be helping.
Just be kind…

"Be the change you want to see"


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