Exercise is like brushing my teeth
Exercise is like brushing my teeth, something I do everyday
I have been working out for as long as I can remember.
In high school I was one of only two girls in the weight room. I guess that's what happens when you're a tomboy. In college I even took weight lifting as a gym course and elective.
I don't remember a time I haven't worked out. Even while I was pregnant until I was put on bed rest, I worked out every day.
Right after giving birth I bought dvds to work out at home as Victoria was too young to take to the gym.
But as soon as the girls were old enough to be taken to the daycare at the gym, I was back there, kids in tow, every morning at 6 am.
Do I have to tell you what a mission it is to get you and two kids ready to go at 6 am? But I was not going to let anything be my excuse for not going. To me working out is like brushing my teeth, it's something I do each and every day. If I don't do it, I feel yucky, just like when you don't brush your teeth.
I have worked out with multiple injuries, a broken arm, a broken foot, broken toe, shoulder injuries, carpal tunnel, you name it I have modified it, to keep coming.
So when people say to me "Oh I wish I had your body or it's so easy for you, you're so little" it gets to me!
Really is it easy to wake up each and every morning at 5 am when all you want to do is sleep? Is it easy to drag yourself to the gym when your body is screaming in pain? Is it easy when you have a million things to do in your head yet you block them all to give yourself an hour at the gym? Or when my girls were little and kept trying to interpret me as I was working out in front of the TV?
No! None of it is easy. Hell if it was easy everyone would do it. Let's be honest, you have to work for what you truly want, in any aspect of life, your job, your marriage and yes, your body and your health.
I realized last year just how my exercise and my mental health were connected. I had wrist surgery and literally could not move my arm for 8 weeks because of the pins. I laid on the couch and I couldn't exercise, I couldn't write, I couldn't clean. These are my three stress relievers in my life. I fell into a depression, something I have never experienced. I need to exercise as much for my body as for my brain. This keeps me focused, keeps me grounded, this is my cure all.
Look to be honest there are days I don't want to. There are days when I eat that cake. There are days that I go to a party and eat and drink way more than I know I should and the next day I really don't want to be here but I come.
I am so not perfect and I keep telling you all that!
But I say okay, I did it, it's over and tomorrow is another day to turn it back around. You can't deprive yourself, you have to enjoy life and live, but you also want to be around, as healthy as you can be to enjoy it as well.
It's a balancing act, just like everything in this life is, you eat right, you exercise, you feel better, you look better. But you also need to eat that slice of pizza!
(Okay, I am a New Yorker after all)
Here's the balancing act,
one or two slices and a cold beer, what is better than that? Then the rest of the week, you eat healthy. You don't have to say oh I fell off my routine so I will just eat everything in the refrigerator!
Balance people, balance,
not just quitting. No need to say I was so tired I didn't work out, so I blew it, this isn't working so I quit.
No! You fell off okay, now get back on, no excuses!
I am just like everyone out there reading this. I have been a single mom. I have a social life, bills, a house, repairs, grocery shopping and cleaning just like all of you and I do it all myself. There are no excuses if you want to change your life, none!
You can do it, make you a priority in your life! You know how in an airplane they tell you to put on your air mask, then help your kids? Well if you are not well, unhealthy, or out of shape, how are you going to be able to help your kids and others in your life? You won't be able to!
So get up, brush your teeth and start to do something healthy. In 21 days it will become a habit and just like brushing your teeth and then you will just do it.
"Be the change you want to see"
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