Sorry you are not my everything
Sorry you are not my everything
There's a song called "Your everything to me" by Monica. The song goes like this:
"I couldn't breathe without you, I wouldn't know what to do if you were gone. I wouldn't be able to breathe you're my everything, you're the reason my sun shines, you are the air that I breathe. I need you to live,
I need you to breathe"
As I sat in the car this morning listening to that song, I realized that as much as one day I would love to find my true love, I never want to feel like this, ever! Yes, I want to love someone but I never want to make them so important that I feel without them I am dead, that they are my sun and my air.
Just like in yesterday's blog where I wrote about being dicknotized, losing your brain over a person, this is the same thing, making that person your end-all, to be all.
No, if I ever fall in love again, I will know without a shadow of a doubt who provides my sun and my air. That if everyone should up and leave my life, I know I will still be okay because I know where my true source of happiness comes from.
You can not expect another person to fulfill your every need. You first must love yourself, be happy within, and have peace and forgiveness in your heart. You must be one with God and the universe, know your inner voice and be able to listen to it.
You must first have a fulfilled life on your own and know your own worth. It is then that if someone comes into your life they are not making your life "whole" they are enhancing it.
There are so many people out there who say, "When I get the perfect job, I will do this or when I lose fifty pounds my life will be good, or one day when I get that promotion, it will be then... On Monday I will start...." fill in the blanks with your bullshit excuses.
You are keeping your life on hold waiting for something or waiting for something better. People!! Wake up, your life is now! And it's passing you by!!
Be happy where you are at this moment, be grateful, and be fulfilled. Know that you already possess these things, you are whole, you are your own everything, that God, the universe, or whatever you believe in is your everything. Anything else that comes is gravy, that's all!
One person cannot be everything to you, and one person cannot fulfill your every need. It's so unrealistic and maybe that is why you go from relationship to relationship, you keep seeking someone to fill these needs. Maybe it's a father figure, a mother who always disapproves, never feeling loved, so you keep seeking to fill that hurt and void in your life.
You need to acknowledge the problem and the patterns in your life, then you need to fix them. You need to learn that you are good enough, you are whole, and you are loved. When you get to that place of being whole and at peace with yourself and your life, it is then if you find someone that it will make that much more sweeter.
So today my friends, don't look to others or things to make your life "whole",
look inside and know God made you perfect just the way you are, there are no extra ingredients needed. You are your own everything.
"Be the change you want to see"
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