The cost of an outburst praise

The cost of an outburst praise 

Monday message 
Each Monday I speak about the message I got from church. If you're not a believer or believe in something different feel free to insert whatever you call him in here or feel free to come back tomorrow.

It doest take an outburst of cry to praise God but why don't we? Why don't we do what they did for Jesus?
We need to remember that on Palm Sunday, they took palm branches and went out to meet him and shouted Hosanna. 

So why shouldn't we praise God as they did? Look at sports teams, you shout about your favorite team, so why shouldn't you shout about your praise? 
Jesus was glorified on his way to the cross, Blessed is the King of Israel, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

We people of faith think that only people of faith praise him, but people all over the world praise his name. When you are going through your week, when you know that it is only God that got you through all that's going on, you sing his praises. 

Every day you have to praise him, every morning you need to say this is the day the Lord has made and sing his praises. So many people want to live out their faith journey privately. They don't want to let others know that they are praising him. 

These people said that it was necessary to go out and have an outburst praise as they were taking Jesus to the cross. They didn't worry about what others were thinking. 
We need to remember to shout for joy! The Bible tells us that, we need to shout, we need to be thankful, we need to be the light for others. The bible tells us to worship the Lord with gladness. To come before the Lord with joyful songs. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving and give thanks for him and praise his name.

They came to praise him even though their willingness to praise him would expose them and others would mock them.
You have no idea what your efforts or your sacrifice will do to honor God. We shouldn't worry about others and what they say.
Why do people get angry when others show their praises to the Lord? When something connects to your spirit and you need to shout his name and his praises,  do it. You know what he has done in your life, how he has changed your life, got you through and sometimes you can't help but to shout it.
The question then becomes how do you get an outburst praise? Here are 3 ways to get yours.

1. God has to be your primary persuader. 
2.You must face your challenges because challenges create testimonies.

Remember whatever impresses you the most, that is where you will release your energy

3. It will cost you because criticism will come.

So today my friends remember whatever impresses you the most that where you will release your energy. And for me nothing impresses me more than God. The things he has done for me, the times he has gotten me through and the peace I get from him makes me want to shout his name all the time, have your own outburst praise today! 

"Be the change you want to see"


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