trading one addiction for another
Trading one addiction for another
If you have been an addict or have known an addict, you know that beating an addiction is not an easy feat.
Sometimes as addicts we trade one addiction for another. Especially when you don't get help or you think, you got this…Famous last words.
I know a person that was a gambler who quit gambling and then became a food addict. This person eventually had weight loss surgery and took up a new addiction which was drinking.
I knew someone else that was a gambling addict and gave that up for drugs, then gave up drugs for food. It's the addicts way, trying to fill that hole. Let's fill the pain that we can't or won't deal with. So we keep trying to fill it up with something else so that we don't have to deal with what the real issue is.
I know plenty of women who have men addictions, going from one man to another. Being treated like shit because they are broken and don't know their self worth. They are afraid to be alone. So some man, even a crappy one, is better than no man.
How many people do you know that have a shopping addiction? Hell, I can tell you plenty, as I organize people's houses for a living and see it all the time. Clothes and things they never use but just have to have at that moment. Just another way to fill the void.
You have all kinds of addictions, from all kinds of people. There is no social difference, no class or color difference. Addiction can get everyone, young or old, rich or poor, educated or not, addiction has no boundaries. Because it is about what is eating you up inside and each one of us has our own demons that we are dealing with.
Until you decide that enough is enough, until you finally admit that you need help you will keep trading addictions.
So today my friends remember if this is you or someone you know, know that the addiction is still there. It will never go away, you can only learn to control it, instead of it controlling you. But first you must do the work. You have to dig deep inside yourself to figure out what is broken, what is missing or what is lacking in your life. It is only then that you can overcome your addictions. If you don't do the work you will forever be trading one addiction for another.
"Be the change you want to see"
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