Can no one have opinions anymore?

Can no one have an opinion these days?

So recently, I wrote a blog about the new laws that our governor in the state of Florida has passed. I actually went to the government website and copied the laws word-for-word. I posted this, and wouldn't you know it? The haters came for me, and you wouldn't believe how many haters came at me. Calling me all kinds of names like. I even said in the blog that I got this from a government website, but it didn't matter. 

People have no respect for one another. People can not stand that another person has an opinion that is different than theirs. They will jump all over you. They will call you names. They will even try to “cancel” you. This is getting ridiculous. Everyone's allowed to have their own opinion. Don't you remember what your mother told you? Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one. It's fine. If you don't like somebody's opinion, then keep scrolling.
But you don't get to call somebody names because you don't agree with their opinion, please grow up! 

Trust and believe there are many times I'm scrolling and I see something and I don't agree with somebody's opinion. Well, I have 3 choices, and you know what they are?
I could either delete them.
I can block them.
Or I could just keep scrolling and shut my damn mouth. 

I don't need to get on their page and tell them what an idiot I think they are because their opinions are different from mine. Who the hell am I? That I feel so important or entitled to think that my opinions are the end all, be all. 
What's that going to solve? Is it going to make them change their opinions? Of course it's not. So mind your damn business and keep it moving! 

So today, my friends and all the haters out there. News flash! Everyone is entitled to their opinion. You don't get to bully them to change their mind. Your opinion is just that, your opinion. That is why we live in a free country. We all get to have our own opinions without being prosecuted. So get over yourself, because it seems like no one can have an opinion these days.
“Be the change you want to see”

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