Your job will replace you before your body is in the ground

Your job will replace you before your body is in the ground 

Many people give their lives to their jobs. They will put their jobs over their family, over friends, or even over a life. They will kill themselves working 50, 60 or more hours a week, and even on weekends. But does your job care about you? 
If you think they do, you are sadly mistaken. They will have your job filled before your dead body is in the ground. Yes, you may be one of the very, very few lucky ones that have a job that will appreciate you, but most people aren't so lucky.

My girlfriend was like this. She worked overtime, and she planned all their parties, never being able to enjoy any of them. She came in early and left late. She got overlooked, and she watched while everyone else around her were getting bonuses and moving up, but her. And before you go and say that maybe she wasn't doing her job. She was there for 10 years, and no, she was never written up for anything in all those years. One day, she came in to find out that they kicked her to the curb. No 2 weeks notice, nothing. 

They knew she's a single mom who, by the way, just lost her dad and is battling cancer. Yes, you heard that right. You can give your blood, sweat, and tears to a company, and they could care less. Even a big company like Rain Soft only cares about the bottom line. 

We are believers and know that when God closes one door, he opens another, and she will be okay. She will find something better, but the pain of giving your all to a company and then being discarded will stay with her.

So today, my friends, I now realize why this generation doesn't stay at a job for any length of time. They know more than my generation does. They don't care about the bullshit Gold watch you get after giving your life to a job that doesn't give a shit about you. They know that your job will replace you before your body is in the ground.
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