Okay, now get over it

Okay, now get over it!

Yes, I realize that might be a little harsh, but there are so many people out there who need to hear it. 
Get over it and get on with your life already!

Yes, we all have things that have happened to us in our lives. Some of us are worse off than others, but that doesn't mean we are stopped in that spot and we stay there. This week, I wrote about blaming everyone else. Now I have to be real and say get over it.

Yes, I get it. Your man cheated. He lied to you and broke your heart. Does that mean for the next ten, twenty or in my grandmother's or ex-Mother in laws case, 50 years later, are we still going to have to hear about it every day like it happened yesterday?

Yes, your mother was an alcoholic, your father beat you, you were abandoned as a child and grew up in the system, is that who you are?

No, these are circumstances that happened to you. This is not who you are. These are the things that make you stronger, that change who you are for the better if you chose to make it that way.

Yes, you chose to become a better parent because your parents were so lousy. You chose not to drink because you remember what it was like to pick up your drunk parents off the floor and clean them up night after night.

You chose not to cheat and lie because you saw how it broke your grandmother's heart 40 years later, but you chose something, and then you get on with your life.

You don't spend the next how many years whining about it, giving life to it every day, or staying stuck in that spot, unable to move forward. No! You get up, you hopefully learn a lesson, because everything that happens to us teaches us a lesson if we are willing to look for it. Then you take your lesson and you move on. That's it, move on, end of story.

We all have problems, but I feel sorry for you if you have not learned any lessons from these problems. Look, if we were to sit around a table and each one of us took our problems and put them on the table, I guarantee you, you would be quick to grab yours back!

So today, my friends, I am here to say let it go. It's over. It's called the past for a reason, and leave it there. You need to forgive and then get on with your life. Let me ask you how long has this been holding you back? How long have you been talking about this? Life is way too short to be stuck. Start your life over from this minute. It's never too late to get over it.
“Be the change you want to see”


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