Why do we need a date to be grateful?
Why do we need a day to be grateful?
So, this last weekend was a holy weekend for many people. This was a time people stopped and thanked God for all he's done. But if you know me or follow me you know I am not big on days to make you do things. Why do they have to be a day to tell your mother you love her? I sent my mother flowers every Friday until she died. I always wanted her to know I loved her. Valentine's Day is another. Seriously, if you are not showing your partner every day that you love them, you are definitely doing something wrong.
So we seem to also need a day to be grateful, really? If you're not grateful for all you have, whether it's a lot or a little, trust and believe, there are many others who will trade situations with you in a heartbeat. We need to be grateful each and every day. We need to tell our loved ones how we feel every day. I say I love you to my friends and family before I hang up with them on the phone or before I walk out the door. I never want them to wonder about how I feel.
I don't need a specific day to tell me to eat dinner with my family. Yes, there is actually a, have dinner with your family day now! Seriously??
So you can let all year go by, but as long as you do it on this one day a year, that's all you need to do? No, that's not the way it works, at least not for me anyway.
I don't need a day to tell me to do the right thing. I remember my mom saying, "Don't bring flowers to my grave when I die. I can't smell them there. You brought me flowers throughout my life, flowers that I could smell and appreciate. That is what counts."
So today, my friends, do we really need a day to tell us to do the right thing? Let's do it every day, make someone feel special all the time. Be grateful every second, not just one day. Live every day like it's your last. If we all lived like that, then we wouldn't need a day to be grateful.
“Be the change you want to see”
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