How I Became A Professional Organizer

How I  Became A Professional Organizer 

I was a legal assistant for many years, and then my boss went to jail for embezzlement. Soon after that the real estate market went belly up. 
I was out of work for eight months when my Bishop said do what you're passionate about.

What was that? Well, I was always organizing friends' houses for free. I asked my friends, "Do people pay for this?" 
This was before it was a thing. We didn't know so I researched and found out it had a name, "professional organizing." 
I had nothing to lose so I started the business.
And then I tried and tried to get an ad with Groupon and LivingSocial to promote my business but with no luck.

When I asked "God, if this is what I am supposed to do, send me a sign and since I am dumb as rocks, let's make it clear. Have either one of those companies call and accept me. The next day the phone rang and it was Groupon saying they wanted to run my ad! Nope, I can't make this up!

But because I am human and hard-headed, I needed yet another sign. Three days later at church, there was a woman who was sitting next to me. She was crying. I put my arm around her and offered her a tissue. After service she said she was visiting from the Bahamas and she was a minister. She told me God told her to come here today and he wanted me to know not to worry that this business I was starting, that was going to be successful. I just have to believe and have faith. I didn't know this woman, how could she possibly know I was starting this business? I was praying for that very thing, that night, and of course I went into an ugly cry, this was definitely a sign. 

But as I said before sometimes I am dumb as rocks and 3 days later the phone rang with a job I had applied for a month before. A real paying job with real money every week. I struggled with it because there were all these signs I asked for and I knew this was what I should and wanted to be doing yet here was this nicely paying job with benefits.
I had faith but I was just about to get divorced and needed to make sure I had a steady income for me and my girls so I took the job.

The next day the doctor called and told me bad news about my recent tests. They didn't like what they saw and told me I needed more tests. She said there was a lump in my lymph nodes. Now coming from a family of breast cancer, I was scared.
I started the new job the following day. At the end of the day, I went home and got an email, they told me they didn't have time to train me and that they were sorry. What? I was fired on my first day? Are you freaking kidding me?

I went home crushed, I had never been fired and who gets fired on their first day? I cried and I prayed and then the next day my phone started ringing and there were all these clients for my new business. I knew God had closed one door to open another, and since I wasn't getting it, he did it for me.
It has now been 12 years, doing what I love to do. Yes, there have been some tough times but he has always provided for me and I am happy doing what I love.

By the way, after a host of tests, the lump they found had disappeared, the doctors were dumbfounded but I wasn't. I knew all that was possible if you believed. 

So my friends I am here to tell you to take a leap of faith, watch for the signs, and then listen. You will never know until you try and even if you fall, get back up, learn the lessons you needed to learn, and try again. Do what you're passionate about and it will never feel like work. 
Today, take that chance on you, you're worth it. And for some of you, like me, maybe this was a reminder of all he has done for you so that you'll be able to hold on to that tiny bit of faith you have left.

"Be the change you want to see"
@TreadmillTreats Check out my daily blogs @ 

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The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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