Am I that naive?

I have been asking myself am I really that naive? I know I am a positive person who always tries to believe the good in people,to always give them the benefit of the doubt ....but lately I wonder about myself. I am fiercely loyal and am still friends with all my ex's I would never intentionally do something to hurt someone else, it didn't work ,no problem lets move on and I with you well (I truly meant that ) I think I have a good heart and that If I don't feel the hate towards someone that they should feel the same way again am I being stupid? When you think you know someone that you slept with,lived with, married and had children with that there is a bond there and unless one person did something that was unforgiving ( again I don't think there is anything that you can't forgive) if it doesn't work anymore why would you want to be cruel to that person? For what reason? because you always had control and now you don't so lets make the other persons life a Hell ? Really well I am sorry I don't play like that ..naive or not I will not go to that level I so believe in karma and karma is a bitch and I will keep doing my naive self and try to see the best in people even when my heart is breaking because I know there are many people out there that I can count on,that have my back ,that truly know my heart and that is what makes me keep that hope alive. Even through all of this pain ,I still wish him well ,I was here to learn a lesson and it might have been a long cruel painful lesson but it is the one I was suppose to learn and I got it and got through it and now my lesson is over and it is time to move on because god has great things in store for me and I will not let hate or anger or bitterness get in my way of all of the wonderful blessings that are yet to come in my life. So you can be mean,cruel ,bitter ,you can try to hurt me ,you can say hurtful things (I have heard plenty in twenty three years its ok) I will stand here in gods grace and glory and wish you well because I know (and god knows ,more important ) that what I did ,how my heart is and what kind of person I truly am so sorry to disappoint you ,I'm good ,no wait I take that back I'm great!


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