A full circle moment...

This weekend I was blessed to be able to go to Louise Hayes "You can do it conference " with my best friend Melva and for us this was a full circle moment, see we were friends when we were thirteen until she got married after high school.Her husband was in the service and they moved a lot and we lost touch fast forward thirty years and I am back home for my dads funeral and we run into each other ( coincident ? No it was fate) we caught up for hours and realized we were in the same place bad marriage after twenty years ,lost who we were,sad and lonely because we gave all of ourselves to our family ,really just a walking dead version of ourselves. We exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch and boy did we ,every day we called each other,we decided to try to find ourselves so we began by reading books all kinds of self help,spiritual ,motivational books by authors like Dr Whayne Dyer, Louise Hayes, Cheryl Richardson ,Dr. Brian Wiess Ect.. We were regulars in the library,we would take notes ,make ass ,call each other to give support and up lifting quotes to each other ,sometimes evening carrying the other through a down time. We made vision boards, we encouraged ,we cried and we were always there for each other,a life line to a drowning person . Others didn't understand our journey especially our family " why are you changing ? What's with all the woo woo stuff? But we knew it was what was keeping us alive than we were dying before and we didn't want to go back there. I can't tell you how many books we read ! Too many to count and slowly we begain to find ourselves and slowly we begain to like ourselves again like a caterpillar emerging from a cocoon. I encouraged her to go back to school ,she encouraged me to start my business, she got divorced ,I am on my way but we grew together,helped each other and we came out so much better than we were before and so when this conference came about with all these authors that we read,that helped us on this journey we knew we had to be there as the whole women we are now with the help of these people and the incrediable friendship we share. This was a amazing conference,we laughed ,we cried,we marveled in how far we have come it was a full circle moment for me and my best friend and I would like to thank her even though there aren't enough words to say to let her know how grateful I am for her always being here for me . I know you are truly my " Soul sister" and I know there is a lot more journeys that we will be going on in the future,incrediable ,amazing journeys "more than we could ever imagine for ourselves " So all of you out there find your "soul sister" and take a leap of faith together,you will be amazed at what's on the other side!


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