How much dead weight are you pulling in your cart?
Listening to Steve Harvey this morning and he asked that question and it made me start thinking .... How many people are in your cart and who is helping you and how many are dead weight? He started by saying " you have a old wooden cart with wood wheels and a long thick rope,there are rope burns on your arms and shoulders from pulling it by yourself, but this is your cart and you have to pull it yourself ,hopefully you will find a good partner who will jump off the cart to give you water,or feed you when your hungry,kick a rock out of your path they are helping you in your journey and are just as important with helping you and your cart. Then you might have family or friends who have their legs off the side ,helping you push ,their backs against yours giving you that little bit of extra help to get up that hill, kicking rocks out of your way,they are giving you support. Then there are the ones in your cart that are laying down drinking lemonade and asking when are they going to get there,what's taking so long ,your never going to get there,you know .. Dead weight... " now we all have some dead weight in our lives that are negative and that we need to cut out like cancer ,its got to go,its infecting you and everyone around them. Yes they might be family or they might be your best friend it doesn't matter they have to go! I speak this because I have cut the cancer from my life,yes I am a loyal friend till the end but there has to come a time when you are getting sick because of them and they are trying to keep you down when you need to fly ! And you have to realize that,its not that you don't love them its for your own health,your own life ,you need to get rid of the dead weight! So how many of you know who's the dead weight in your own cart? You know who it is! Throw them out that hill is way to steep to make it unless everyone is helping you to make it up. When they are gone your will feel the weight taken off your shoulders litterally ! You need to put you first,its ok the world is not going to end if you do this ! And when you do that mountain is not going to look so hard!
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