Why I always will be a small town girl..

Thursday Treadmill Treats

Why I will always be a small town girl.

I grew up in a small town in upstate New York, my whole family lived in the city and the rest lived on Long Island. My mom moved us up there from the Bronx for the better schools.
Yet every weekend we would be heading into the city as everyone else would be running up to the country because my mother was so home sick.

I loved the city, the fast pace, the shopping, the people, I so wanted to live there, why did she drag us up to this hick town I would ask.

When I met my first love, he was a county boy and he showed me things I never knew existed.
As I came to know the country I realized I actually enjoyed alot of things, I thought I never would.
I learned to fish, to camp, to hike through the mountains, to discover the rivers and waterfalls. I learned to ride dirt bikes and to have fun just being one with nature.

I learned the peacefulness of lying at the lake looking up at the stars and hearing the crickets chirp.
The clear mind I got when  I hiked up a mountain that opened up to a breathtaking waterfall. How I was so in awe of God's incredible beauty all around me.

Yet I was still inching to get out of that "hick town" so much so I even left the love of my life behind.
I moved to Florida and as much as I love the beach and the amazing weather what I didn't realize is how much I would miss home.

Whenever I went back home I would feel this peacefulness, like I was one with God and myself. I realized that the grass is not always greener on the other side and no matter where I move this will truly be home for me.

So your probably asking why don't you just move back and I would tomorrow in a heart beat....if they got global warming and had no cold or horrible winters.
Yes, the day that happens, I am packed up and out of here!

Don't get me wrong I still love Florida but it is getting to congested, a lot of people aren't loyal or even nice for that matter, people come and go. There are no seasons and no mountains and as beautiful as the beach is that's all they got going here.

So maybe my friends, I am a small town girl after all... and the more time passes the more I think I would like to move...maybe not back home but to a place like back home, with a small town feel, seasons with a little cold and one or two snows a year and nature filled with mountains, rivers and waterfalls. All the things that feel like home to me.

So my message today is that sometimes even when you think you want something so bad....when you get it, it isn't as great as you built it up to be in your mind.
Maybe what you've been looking for all along, was right under your nose the whole time.

Be the change you want to see"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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